In the Estate of Connelly, the United States Supreme Court added $4 million in value...
In the Estate of Connelly, the U.S. Supreme Court okayed a 4 million dollar add-on...
Most people think the most important question you can ask your life insurance agent is...
Bruce Steiner provides his analysis of PLRs 202244029 and 202430010 that involved waivers of 60-day deadline for rollover for victims of scams. Bruce has obtained many private letter rulings waiving the 60-day deadline for a rollover.
CONCLUDING OBSERVATION: The IRS may waive the 60-day deadline for a rollover for IRA owners losing IRA assets to scams. However, the availability of a waiver is of no benefit to IRA owners who lack the funds to put back into their IRAs.
Natalie Choate provides commentary that examines the new RMD landscape for surviving spouses under SECURE 2.0 and the final/proposed regulations.
CONCLUDING OBSERVATION: The rules become more and more complex. So much so that the article about surviving spouse required minimum distributions, how, when and why is at a link provided in the attachment.
Stay tuned as there could be further changes as time passes.